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How to get the most out of your surveys with a high converting funnel

Want to increase your conversion rate? Do traditional style sales funnel letting you down? Well, you might need a survey funnel instead of a landing page. Data-driven marketing tactics can help you to gain a better understanding of your customers and their needs. Therefore providing you with a much-increased chance of being able to close that sale.

Read on to discover more about what they are, and how to create them effectively for your business.

Defining Survey Funnels

Before we can break down our goals into their components, we need to define them. Essentially, survey funnels are email marketing tools that allow you to better understand your customers. Knowing who they are and what their needs are, you can then offer actions and buying choices that will be much more likely to convert for them.

Funnel surveys start with a question. For example, “What is your favorite color?” You’re surveying your customers to find out which question they want to be answered. This then gives you data that you can use to direct people through the next stage of the sales funnel, as well as an archive for future use.

Survey funnel

Survey funnels can be so effective that they are used by practically any type of business that works with online marketing. After all, knowing as much about your customers as possible is nearly always conducive to a positive outcome no matter what industry you specialize in.

Survey funnels assume that different kinds of people will respond differently to the sales messages you provide. Therefore, by using a survey funnel, you can segment your customers into different groups and provide them with sales messages and information that is much more suitable for what they need. The output of this task is a list of paraphrases. This is something that will have a positive impact on conversions.

A good example of this and one that we’ll be using throughout the guide is that of an e-commerce site. A survey funnel is used to separate customers into different categories such as families, singles/couples, etc.

Survey funnels are also used to collect feedback from people who have already taken part in a survey. That of encouraging your customers to engage with you as a business by making micro-commitments. As your visitors answer the questions you put in front of them, they will be committed to becoming interested in your product or service. Something that cumulatively can add up to enough to push a maybe into a yes when it comes to making a sale.

As people often like knowing about themselves, the ego plays a role in this process by encouraging them to continue on their path. It’s something that can help to make your website as easy as pie to get people to interact with your company in this way.

Surveys are not just for getting more conversions. They’re also useful for gathering valuable feedback from your audience. Survey funnels are flexible enough that they can be used in a wide variety of situations for several different purposes.

For example, you could use a survey funnel to help you improve your e-commerce business or implement it in a B2B setting. It’s just a matter of asking good questions. You can use survey funnels for both online and offline surveys. Even though the execution will be slightly different. That is, it usually involves store staff or intelligent signs that can work, in some situations.

A Step By Step Guide To Setting Up Survey Funnels

Step 1: Survey Funnel Strategy

Before you start creating a funnel for your website, you need first to make sure you’ve got your strategy figured out. When it comes to surveying a funnel, having a clear objective is extremely important. Knowing the actions and information you want to encourage and gather by asking your questions is important. It’s important to know that this will help you craft your specific survey question later on.

You can use a flowchart to show how you plan to implement your growth hacking strategy. By doing this, you will see the crucial difference between a survey funnel and a more traditional sales funnel very clearly.

You can expect a traditional sales funnel to usually look something like this:

How to Create a Survey Funnel that Increases Your Sales | Interact Blog

Unfortunately, the problem is that this is one size fits all method. An approach that has been shown to not be as effective as when you customize your marketing materials and strategy to a particular group. One of the most significant advantages of marketing online is the vast opportunity for more advanced personalization and the increased success this can bring. An opportunity that is only being wasted by using only the more traditional type of funnel.

Of course, you segment your visitors by asking the right questions in your survey. Queries that allow you not only to collect valuable data but also section off the different parts of your demographic in real-time.

Surveys allow you to define the sources that are visiting your site, so they’re a good way to figure out where your visitors are coming from. A strategy that makes sure your strategy is better than the traditional sales funnel. The reason is that if you don’t tile every potential customer with the same brush, then you won’t be able to target them all. At every stage of the funnel process, you will ask visitors about their differences. After that, take into account their needs and create content and a selling proposition that best fits them.

Additionally, using such a strategy should help to reduce a phenomenon called attrition as well. When someone visits your site but doesn’t take any action, that’s called “bounce rate.”

Often, this occurs when the customer is displeased by the experience when they reach your landing page. However, if you insert a survey into the chain before sending out your emails, you can show that you’re dedicated to providing the best products and services to your customers. You should genuinely care about them as individuals, not just see them as another anonymous customer to be persuaded to part with their money.

Step 2: Writing The Right Survey Questions   

Soon we will get into the part where I will walk you through each step of building a survey funnel. However, before we start, let’s think about the types of questions and outcomes you will provide.

Clarity and brevity are essential when answering questions. If your question isn’t clear, you won’t get an accurate answer, and that means anyone who visits your site will be directed to the incorrect sales message. As a result, the effectiveness of the whole system is reduced.

When asking survey questions for your funnels, there are a few key things you need to keep in mind. The first is that you must be careful not to overcomplicate things. That means using clear language and avoiding jargon. It also means being careful in how you ask your questions.

Avoid jargon whenever possible. Make sure you don’t end up leading your visitors down a path that isn’t the right fit. If you’re not sure whether something works, test it out on a few people first. It can save a lot of hassle in the long term.

If you want to be clear, you might consider offering an alternative to written multiple-choice answers for your survey. Some businesses use images that best represent the choices available. Something that is both much faster to use for visitors and can be more engaging at the same time.

Lastly, above all else, keep it short! Visitors to your site won’t want to be taken on an unnecessary journey and are likely to react negatively if you ask them to perform any complex tasks or wait for too long before they’re able to access what they need. To ensure that you’re always including a progress bar in your survey funnels and keeping the questions short and sweet, make sure you’re always including one.

Step 3: Devising The Right Survey Outcomes

Of course, writing a good question is just one part of the job. You also need to have the right outcomes. There can be some confusion over whether the term “outcome” refers to the final result of an action or whether it refers to the intermediate results of an action. Which may also be framed as the questions you ask visitors taking the survey to answer.

Also, as it is these outcomes being used to direct your visitors to the correct funnel. As a result, the responses or outcomes that you will give for each question will be directly related to the goals that you want your business to achieve or the actions that you want your visitors to take. This is something that could be broken down into the following categories of funnels or propositions.

Step 4: Using The Outcomes To Redirect Your Client To A Customised Funnel or Landing Page.

You can use your outcomes to redirect them to educational content. You want to find out what people are missing and then send them to websites that provide them with specific content that helps them fill this gap. This approach is similar to other forms of content marketing because it is the information itself rather than the promotion of the product or service that is most valuable. It’s helpful for the site visitor because they’re getting educated on a topic that’s relevant to them. Because it’s also relevant to your business, educating your customers in this manner will help you better understand their needs and buying processes. Something that makes them much more likely to convert into sales.

By matching the form of the web page to the type or demographic group of the visitor, you may be able to increase its effectiveness even more. Make sure to redirect the visitor to the beginning of the questionnaire, or a sales page after they’ve had access to the information. After all, you don’t want to lose that valuable prospect after you’ve invested so much time and effort into building a relationship with them.

The next type of response you might want to give is a sales page. With this option, there is no need for a separate pre-sales page. Instead, you simply start by offering a free trial. The difference is that rather than having one sales message for everyone, you will use the results from your survey to segment the visitors into groups. You can then direct each group to a customized sales message. Something that will help boost your chance of making a conversion.

Another possible option for you to offer your customers is to redirect them to a page where you can perform a valuable action for them. Usually, this means completing a form by providing additional information. Data that you can use to contact them again in the future and further personalize their experience. Of course, these kinds of responses usually work best when motivated by other factors, so be sure you offer a reward such as an incentive when using this approach.

Step 5: Choosing The Right Software

As we inch closer to the steps for creating a survey funnel, there’s still one more thing you must do. It is choosing the right kind of software to use. There are a wide variety of options when it comes to surveying funnels, from ClickFunnel to Smart Funnels to Survey Funnels, and so on.

Some are better than others, depending on your wants and needs, but it does vary from person to person. For example, with the provider Survey Funnel, you get an auto-render feature included. An innovation that allows you to work with any email marketing software.

With Smart Funnel, there’s more of a focus on reporting than on real-time reports, but both are available. A tool that makes it easier for you to answer questions quickly. You also get a clear, easy-to-use interface for tracking conversions. A tool that not only helps you monitor the effectiveness of your survey funnel but makes the task of crafting them a lot clearer and easier as well!

Due to the ease of access to survey funnel software, we’ll assume that you’ll be using them to create your funnels.

Step 6: A Simple Survey Funnel Process Example

Finally! Let’s start by looking at how to create the surveys you’ll be taking online. To do this, I will be using a simple two-stage process. However, remember that you can always create a more complex and advanced survey if you want to. Be careful not to overcomplicate things as this may put visitors off.

After you’ve created your page, click the Survey Elements tab, and you can begin editing the questions you will ask visitors. To do this, the first click on “Add Question” then add as many outcomes as desired. Remember, the outcome that you add should correlate with the destination you want to direct your visitor to).

Remember that even though all of your questions will probably be important, some of them may not be. The most important thing is what some people call “the bucket” question. That is the question that separates the different types of visitors coming to their site. The idea is that by directing them to customized propositions or locations, you’ll be able to direct them to a much more effective proposition or location than a single sales message would be.

Once you’ve written out your questions and outcomes, it’s time to think about where you want to direct each group of visitors. That is where you’ll direct each of the three types (or categories) of visitors we’re using for this example. You need to do two things: The first thing you need to do is figure out what you want from your visitors. With the second method, you’re setting up this on your survey funnel system so that you can track when people are taking the surveys.

You don’t need to be limited by where and what you can direct your visitors to. So while (because of the question that we are answering) a sales page for every type of food box would be the best option here, there are a plethora of other options to consider too.

One of these is to redirect your customers to a walkthrough of your product or process. This is something that might be in the form of an online video or podcast.  You can also redirect your visitors to a webpage where they can schedule an online chat, phone call, or even a personal meeting. Make sure to keep your objectives in mind when deciding which segments of visitors to target.

Using Analytics To Measure Performance

You now know how to create a simple survey funnel. There is just one last thing for you to learn. It is how to test the performance of the funnel that you’re using. Reflexivity is the name of your game if you want your business to sell more. Reflecting on what you’re doing well, what needs improvement, and then making changes accordingly. If you don’t make any effort to monitor your survey funnels and adjust them when necessary, you could end up running into a host of problems

One of these is deciding things based on hunches rather than actual data-driven facts. It’s inefficient to work inefficiently, and it’s wasteful to spend time working inefficiently.

Furthermore, businesses that aren’t taking a reflexive approach may find themselves in a situation in which their survey funnels become overly complicated and lengthy. Something that can make your company look unprofessional and cause visitors to abandon the process altogether.

One way of doing this is to use survey funnel software not only to plan out each stage of your funnel as above but also to analyze the results for each part as well.

One of the reasons why choosing specialist software is important when it comes to the survey funnel is because it helps you choose the right software for each stage of the funnel. Many of the software options include automatic updates for their dashboards as standard. Something that lets you take decisive actions when making improvements. All while knowing it is backed up by reliable and clear data.

Key Industry Terms Used With Survey Funnels

If you’re new to marketing or survey funnel terms, you’ve probably noticed that there are lots of them to learn. With that in mind, you’ll find most of the key terms related to this subject below. Something that you can use as a glossary, or refer back to if you want to impress your colleagues!

Lead – This is an old term for the visitor to your website. That is the person that you want to convince to make a purchased or completed another valued action.

Lead magnet – The device used to draw leads into your conversion process An interactive lead magnet is an example of an engaging lead magnet because it encourages visitors to get involved in the process instead of simply being directed by it. A tool that makes the result is much more effective.

Lead funnel – This term refers to direct certain types of leads (e.g., qualified leads) along a particular route (e.g., sales pipeline). For example, something that, in this case, can help your business provide a better service and experience to its customers and so increase the number of conversions.

Traffic – This term concerns the number of visits to your landing page as well as where they came from. Traffic can come from a variety of sources such as your sales funnelssocial media, searches, email links, and your website.

Segmentation – The process of splitting up the visitors to your page into particular demographics. This is what your survey does. It can and is often used synonymously with a funnel and funneling.

Outcomes – In this context, outcome refers to the possible answers to the questions you will ask in your survey. That is the outcome for a family answering the question: How many people do you usually cook for per night would be 3+, rather than 2 or 1. It is the outcome that is used to decide where to direct the visitor next.

Demographics – The characteristics of the different types of visitors you get on your landing page. It can be typed by gender, age, class, religion, region, or even finer details like hair type and eye color.

Flow chart – A visual way of recording information in a logical step-by-step order. The way you can plan your survey funnel before creating it. See the image below.


Value-added action – An action that helps you add value to a lead by performing an additional task for them, such as sending them a follow-up email, scheduling a phone call, or providing them with another piece of content. Sales conversion refers to the percentage of people who buy from you after they’ve visited your

Conversion rate – When a client makes an online purchase and becomes a customer.

Sales proposition – When you invite your site visitor into your sales funnel by laying out the reasons why he or she should buy from you.

Marketing funnel – A sales funnel is an online marketing strategy that leads customers from one stage of the buying cycle to another. It’s not as effective as survey funnels for segmenting visitors, but it doesn’t provide them with a customized experi­ence.


If you want to improve your marketing processes, why not use a Survey Funnel? Doing so will help you better segment your visitors, which will allow you to direct them to pages that are relevant to their needs. This is an act both of them should take and one that will improve both their experience and conversion rates.

Need help with creating a high-converting Sales Funnel? We’ve got your back! Just grab our full funnel script pack currently on a super special at my My Funnel Script