My Funnel Script


Introduction to the Sales Funnel: How It Drives Business Growth

A sales funnel is the marketing term used to describe the steps potential customers go through on the way to make a purchase. For example, a great deal catches the customer’s eye. Right in front of them is a rail full of beautiful dresses on a clearance super special – they are in luck! He […]

Introduction to the Sales Funnel: How It Drives Business Growth Read More »

Optimize your business growth by implementing this sales funnel strategy

If there is one thing you can do to make your business grow, it’s to create a Sales Funnel. Growth only happens when you make moves that attract clients and get them closer to becoming customers. This Sales Funnel strategy is something that you need to implement in your business. We’ll explain how to do

Optimize your business growth by implementing this sales funnel strategy Read More »

12 Follow-Up Email Examples for Your E-commerce Business

Let\’s assume you have enough visitors and engagement on your website. And you meet all the metrics in terms of user flow and a considerably low bounce rate. But what if you don\’t have enough conversions in your funnel? You may not be generating enough sales despite having enough online traffic to your website. You

12 Follow-Up Email Examples for Your E-commerce Business Read More »